"We spent the first two and the final week in the United Kingdom (Warwick, London) and two weeks in Germany (Berlin) in-between. My team developed a small-scale, low-cost biogas digester for Sub-Saharan Africa. With teammates from India, South Africa and different regions of Europe, we were motivated to tackle real world, developing country issues."
Which countries did you visit throughout The Journey?
We spent the first two and the final week in the United Kingdom (Warwick, London) and two weeks in Germany (Berlin) in-between.
What project did you work on?
My team developed a small-scale, low-cost biogas digester for Sub-Saharan Africa. With teammates from India, South Africa and different regions of Europe, we were motivated to tackle real world, developing country issues. Our solution provides cleaner local energy in regions that suffer from energy poverty, deforestation as well as the adverse effects of climate change. After our business pitch in London we were encouraged to carry on and join the Greenhouse Incubator of Imperial College London, where we developed and tested functional prototypes.
What was the most interesting thing about the teamwork in an international team?
The diversity of the team was essential for our project to succeed, and co-working with people from different cultures is an amazing experience that helped me a lot in my prospective career. The Journey also provided me countless opportunities to meet like-minded peers and low-carbon innovators, which I'm really grateful for.
What was the biggest challenge in The Journey?
The biggest challenge was meeting the deadlines, attending the intensive lectures, developing a high quality business plan while staying positive and motivated at all times. I believe these are really important skills to learn for young professionals.
What did you like most about The Journey?
The Journey is a really professional program with great community vibe and atmosphere. Being treated as a changemaker of the future from the first day motivates you to act like one and push yourself to the limit. It really is a “once in a lifetime” experience.
What were your most valuable takeaways from The Journey?
The journey provided me me up to date knowledge on environmental technologies, emerging concepts and business development skills as well as a great friendships and alumni community that I interact with on a daily basis.
What would you recommend future Journey participants?
Gaining confidence, business sense and great connections is the real value of the Journey and I would highly recommend everybody to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves by joining the Journey!