In February EUCalc and Partners plan a series of 5 town hall discussions on climate change and related socio-economic implications and incentives for medium- to long-term decarbonisation pathways (including their associated costs, benefit and risks) based on the EUCalc model.
Driving the progress and effectiveness of sectoral policies for the overall objectives of the European Green Deal (carbon neutrality in 2050, but also the protection of biodiversity) will become a pressing necessity in the months and years to come.
Against this background, the EUCalc research project provides decisionmakers with a highly accessible, user-friendly, dynamic modelling solution to quantify the sectoral energy demand, greenhouse gas (GHG) trajectories and social implications of lifestyles and energy technology choices in Europe. As such it provides granular understanding and means for engagement by diverse European and national policy makers, businesses, NGOs and other actors of society about a technological and societal transformation in order to reach a carbon neutral Europe mindful of global dynamics.
With the help of the Transition Pathways Explorer users are able to create their own pathways for Europe and assess the impacts of their choices at the European and individual Member State levels including Switzerland, providing a unique perspective on the role and potential of the member states and the EU as a whole, in meeting global climate mitigation commitments.
The forum will held in English, about the programme details:
Date: 13th February 2020 (Thursday)
9:30-tól Registration
10:00 Eszter Tanka (IFKA): Welcome
10:10 Dr. Miklós Gyalai-Korpos (PANNON Pro):
10:30 Prof. Dr. Juergen Kropp (Deputy Chair of Research Domain II “Climate Resilience”): Presentation on the underlying methodology, scope and initial findings of the EUCalc model
11.45-12:00 Faciliated Q&A
12:00 Networking with lunch
Venue: Millenáris Park B building - Elektromobilitás Látogatóközpont
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16.
Participation is free of charge, but due to the limited places a registration is needed in advance. If you are interested in this event, register through this link until the 10th February, 2020 (select the option 'Felhasználói fiók nélküli' to fill out the survey).