Coming from an island in Asia; studied in Europe (Hungary, Greece, Sweden) and fall in love with Budapest; enjoy life, food, love nature, curious of learning everything, I am a pioneer, I am an enthusiast of climate change adaption and sustainable development.
Get on my paddle break bike, have a cup of coffee with stroopwafel, this is how I usually start my day while I’m in Utrecht, my international placement. How can I say, It is way more than about gaining professional knowledge, but more like get to know the Dutch working culture, willing to give you challenge, open mind with opinion, comment, efficient working attitude and never talk about work while you are making sandwich during lunch time!
It is a unique experience working with SKAO (The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement &Business), which working on CO2-Performanceladder, a tool that help companies improve their energy efficiency and awarding scheme applied in procurement process. My task during placement is to establish a strategic action plan for the tool of extending it to other EU-countries. And I’ve been able to conduct interviews with expert and lead within the Commission and relevant international organization, as well as playing as a role engaging stakeholders.
I am really grateful and very proud to be a Climate-KIC pioneer. It is an opportunity where you can meet and collaborate with young profession from different fields, empower you the mindset and knowledge to make a difference toward climate change. Yes, there are always challenges, but what I learn from being a pioneer is, everything is possible, if you don’t give it a try, how can you know if it will work!